Friday, January 14, 2011


My house is pretty warm so I always sleep with the windows cracked. When I woke up in the middle of the night on Tuesday to snow flakes and a damp blanket over my body, I knew the blizzard had begun. It didn't stop snowing until Wednesday night! The whole day's worth of shoveling those nearly 2 ft of snow had to be essentially redone because of all the wind. I felt like I was in a sandstorm with the amount of dunes and ripples stacking outside our houses. Needless to say, there's been a lot of fun, cold falls, hot chocolate and cider since. I have yet to steal a kid's sleigh and zoom down one of our hills.

Other than that, not much new. Paul the volunteer has a friend from Holland staying for 3 weeks to help out and experience a little bit of America. (They're also going to New York and bigger places together - I'd be slightly  dissapointed if my only impression of America was a small place in the woods). It's always fun to have people visit and mix things up. I also recently decided that every Friday I'm going to spend more time on the computer and look up possibilities for next year. As of now, I'm just looking at sustainable/agriculture-related jobs in and outside of the US. If any of you souls out there have a great organization or place to recommend to me, please do so at any time in the next 4 months!

Til next time... 

1 comment:


    ...then you can move back to NC and in with me :)
