Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm connected!!

The internet can work, the internet can work! After having tried a total of 1 1/2 hours over the course of the week to get online, this slow dial-up process on the one communal  computer on the farm has proven me...OK. But it's working now so I'll update you on my first week here...
Wow, what a whirlwind. I thought I would be coming to this quiet, peaceful, "try to keep busy" farm and here I am in what is apparently a very rich, "full" place: rich with unique people and experiences, full with laughter as well as chores. To laugh at simple things, develop patience and meaning in simple tasks (cleaning is a biggie), and enjoy life's simple pleasures is good. To summarize, the volunteers, co-workers and residents (those living with "special needs") are wonderful.

To give you an idea of the days I've had this week (remember it's more of an orientation week and we're not yet in our groove):
Wake up 6:30
Morning chores/breakfast 7am-9am
Workshop (on farm, kitchen, bakery, woodwork, or crafts) 9-12
Lunch 12-12:45 (and if you're on cleaning duty, until 1:20)
Rest time until 2pm, then some snack (cookies!)
Workshop 2 2:15-5pm
Dinner prep/some rest 5-6pm
Dinner 6-7
Clean-up and bedtime ritual for residents 7-8

In other words...I am TIRED by the end of the day and usually just want to take it easy and go to bed by 9:30. Oops, past my bedtime already.
The area is beautiful (mountains in the background, but not the White Mountains), the weather is getting crisp, and the food is always wholesome and delicious. Who knows, I'll either get strong candy cravings in a month or I'll get over my cravings through this experience.
I'm thinking of you all and want to say that I will probably not be great about communicating, particularly via internet, unless I find out a way to speed up the system. Please write me letters anytime, though, and I hope you all are taking each day at a time as well.


Quote of the week from one of the residents: "It's good we don't know everything. Life would be boring if we did."

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