Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day off

Thank you, library, for your bounty of internet signals. Amen.

Ok, so that's not how all our prayers before and after every meal go, but I find myself saying "thank you" more nowadays than maybe I have ever in my life...perhaps minus Thailand. Also, the weather is friggin delicious and I'm going for a long hike on my second day off tomorrow.

As I went to work hauling logs around this morning, the other informed volunteers went to an orientation in which they were told their lodging and probable tasks for the year. Well, I eventually found out and...I'm going to be living in what is known as the "Garden House." It's actually not a house with a house parent, co-workers or residents - it's pretty much a basement where they store some garden supplies. haha, ok it's not as bad as it may sound. In fact, I can imagine having my own space will be my saving grace down the road, and I still am "attached" to two houses during which I'll have to do morning rituals with the residents. I'm also facing the garden/farm, which will be my main set of tasks this year (caring for animals and plants). I was then told I'll probably be the person they train in making PIZZA! every Thursday and delivering baked goodies twice a week with the residents, meaning I get to do more variable tasks and get off the farm more often than other volunteers. I'd say I got a deal :)


  1. Yay! That sounds awesome. Are you hiking Mt Monadnock, or just around in the woods? And do you have a schedule of days off? Cuz if you do you should totally let me know so I can come up and hang out. I went out with Emily Heckel, Sara Gottlieb and Kate Ganong last night and we were talking about you and how to get you down to party with us in the big city too, so we'll have to arrange that. =D

  2. Sounds like you got a great deal! What a cool opportunity this must be for you. I can't wait to hear more about all the things you learn and experience. I'll keep you posted on our spring tour so that we can meet up in New England in the spring.

    Woo! :-)

