Friday, February 11, 2011


Ahh, now I´m sitting in my brother Marc´s apartment after having slept 9 hours on the most comfortable floor mattress, awaiting my greek yogurt breakfast and a day of my first experience downhill skiing. Leora, his girlfriend, is here this weekend too. Though it feels like -5 out and I'll likely come back very sore, this is just what I needed at the end of the week.

That resident I mentioned in my last blog, with whom I live and who is my biggest challenge, again blew up a few times this week. It's become a pattern on Mondays (euhh, dreaded Mondays) that he will not listen to me and/or threaten me and/or walk away from the farm. It's the day I carry the house alone. So this Monday he wanted to take a shower 20 minutes before workshop started. I asked him to take it later that day so that the whole house could use the bathroom. That was it. Those are the kinds of things that freak him out - someone asking him to change. So he started calling me names and threatening me. Five minutes later I was in the bathroom helping another resident brush her teeth and he comes in and continues to insult and threaten my life, and once the house parent came down because he heard the noise, the resident steps right up to my face and spat on me. SPAT ON MY FACE. I said, "THAT IS NOT OK" and slammed and locked the door. The other residents were either hiding in their rooms or crying.

The house is still an uncomfortable place for me to hang around. Every free time I have I usually go to another house - it's more fun and relaxed. Since Monday there have been some changes, like he force apologized to all of us (for that, walking out in a meeting, talking back to us, all in one forced "sorry"), he's getting back on his med's, the founders of the farm are taking him on Monday mornings and evenings, and he's gotten a lot of harsh or sly talks. I've decided that I am not going to go out of my way to walk on egg shells with him anymore. I will talk when I have to get things done, but I'm not going out of my way to be nice or his friend "to build trust" and hope he won't do that crap to me anymore. If he doesn't show me respect, there is no reason for me to shower him with it.


  1. You remind me of my experience teaching high school in Tunisia in the Peace Corps. I can tell you exactly when I learned the difference between friendship and respect.

    You need respect, and I sure hope you get it. You've got mine, that's for sure, for doing what you're doing.

  2. Darn straight. Keep it real girl. I send my best superhero heart strength to you. xxx
